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Learn Programming: Terminal (Console) Input

Published by Franco Eusébio Garcia

Published on 05/11/2021

Last updated on 07/11/2021

An interactive program requires that users are able to provide data during use. In programming, this provision of data is called input. Learn how to use terminal (console) input in the Python, Lua and JavaScript programming languages, with additional examples in Scratch and Flowgorithm.

  • Informatics
  • Programming
  • Beginner
  • Computational Thinking
  • Learn Programming
  • Python
  • Lua
  • Javascript
  • Godot
  • Gdscript
  • Scratch
  • Flowgorithm

Learn Programming: Variables and Constants

Published by Franco Eusébio Garcia

Published on 03/11/2021

Last updated on 02/03/2022

Computers store data and instruction in memory. Programming languages provide variables to ease the use of memory by programmers. Learn how to declare variable and assign values to them in Python, Lua, GDScript (Godot Engine), JavaScript, Scratch and Flowgorithm (for flowcharts).


Learn Programming: Terminal (Console) Output

Published by Franco Eusébio Garcia

Published on 31/10/2021

Last updated on 28/01/2022

Every journey needs a journal. Learn how to write in terminals using programming languages. Writing (or printing) in terminal is one of the most basic programming resources; it is usually the starting point for learning software development as well. Examples in Python, Lua, GDScript (for Godot Engine), Scratch and Flowgorithm.


Learn Programming: Entry Point (main()) and Program Structure

Published by Franco Eusébio Garcia

Published on 29/10/2021

Last updated on 20/05/2022

Programs have beginning and ends. In some programming languages, a program begins from the first line of code. In others, the execution starts from a convention, such as a function or command. Learn about entry points for Lua, Python, JavaScript, C, C++, Java, LISP, Prolog, SQL, GDScript and C#, and define the entry point for your developer career.


Learn Programming: Introduction

Published by Franco Eusébio Garcia

Published on 28/10/2021

Last updated on 28/01/2022

Learn to program for free, with emphasis on computational thinking and programming logic. The material describe concepts applicable to any programming language, with examples in JavaScript, Python, Lua and GDScript (used by the digital game engine Godot Engine). This page serves as a table of contents for individual topics.

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